Why You Shouldn’t Use A Googled Image In Your Marketing
I recently learned that the Copyright Law isn’t actually even a law. However, you can be taken to court and sued due to copyright. I’d like to say copyright is the only reason you shouldn’t search for an image, use it, and call it good. Wouldn’t it be nice if this blog post was that short and sweet? Naturally, it’s not.
- So why shouldn’t you use an image from an internet search?
- What type of images should you use?
- What if you don’t have the marketing budget for a new image every post?
So why shouldn’t you use an image from an internet search?
I could give you hundreds of reasons why you shouldn’t open your browser, click on a search engine, then choose an image from there to use in your marketing. To save both of us time, I’ll just give you a few:
Copyright – remember that even though it isn’t a law you can still be sued for using other people’s content without proper recognition and permissions.
Quality – pixel wise, saved images through this method are more likely to turn out pixelated due to the size of the actual images vs the size you need it for.
Branding – this one is pretty self-explanatory. If you are pulling an image from somewhere else, it doesn’t have your branding and won’t be identical to your branding.
Lower engagement – although engagement is different across all platforms and account types, if I was a betting woman, I would bet you a lot of money that your engagement when using quality, branded images will almost always outweigh an image you got from a search engine.
What type of images should you use?
That’s a pretty loaded question so let’s break it down.
Choice 1 – Custom images made by your graphic designer for each post or marketing piece you make. This option is ideal for a larger company, a company with an in-house graphic designer(s), or a company with a large marketing budget.
Choice 2 – Work with a graphic designer who can create a bundle of branded images for you to use. Working with a graphic designer over a search engine should guarantee quality, accurate branding, and give you a variety of ways to use each image. This choice is ideal for smaller companies or companies that have limited budgets and want high quality images without an in-house graphic designer.
Choice 3 – Use a free stock image site and use the free version of Canva, which also has free stock images in it. The benefit to using this option? It’s low budget, user-friendly, usually high pixel quality, available in a variety of image sizes, and almost guaranteed to be no copyright issues.
What if you don’t have the marketing budget for a new image every post?
Let’s say you really want to stride for Choice 1 above but you don’t have the marketing budget for it or you don’t have an in-house graphic designer. To do this as high quality and low cost as possible, work with the graphic designer who create your logo and have that person create a brand kit for you. If you already have one, perfect! While you have that relationship started or continuing, talk to he or she about creating your graphics or doing a graphics bundle. For example: I offer a 10 images graphic bundle, it’s perfect for small or just starting out businesses. It’s a minimal investment in your marketing to get high quality images up and going.
Using high quality images is important for many reasons but building your brand awareness, engagement, and sense of trust within your followers and customers should be a priority. Whether we like to admit it or not, marketing is constantly happening in your business. It’s how you sell all of your products (word of mouth is even marketing).
Don’t be afraid to reach out to your graphic designer and ask questions. If you don’t have one and need some images, my contact page is a click away. Understanding the importance of quality social media posts is just the beginning. Not sure what to look for? Take a look around at other businesses in your area and your competition. You do not need a massive marketing budget to look like you have one.
all the love & espresso,