Red Flags: Marketing Edition
I have compiled a list of statements from social media you should stay away from. I made this list in one day between Facebook groups, LinkedIn messages, and posts. Why am I doing this? Because I am tired of people getting duped by scams or MLM-trained “marketing,” then not trusting people who could actually help them.
If you use one of the below sentences (or something like it), stop. For the sake of mankind, start being honest.
Transparency and honesty are two things I have built my brands on. It’s not always fun and has cost me clients. Usually with a statement like, “But, Jessica promised me 10k followers in one month.” To that, I politely tip my hat and bow out. Why? Because I will never promise you anything like that.
An honest person will never promise you a certain amount of money, followers, pounds lost, wrinkles reduced, etc. within a certain amount of time. It’s ridiculous and I’m getting fired up typing this.
So, let’s take a look at some red flags that sound amazing and promising but, you should turn and run:
“I just found the email template that make me $134k in clients. Want the template?”
- A typo or misspelling is usually a given tell. Not always, no one is perfect – but pay attention to them and the comments under the post. Also, they didn’t just find a template and bam get $143K.
“I’ve mastered the Facebook algorithm and signed 10 new clients in one day using THIS Facebook group. I’m revealing the exact strategies I used to build, grow, + monetize my Facebook Group so that you can do it too! Who wants access before it’s gone?”
- Access to a legitimate group shouldn’t be limited but won’t be limited like this. Also, strategies are amazing. Chat with others about theirs, get ideas, apply them, trial and error this to death, but your exact strategy will not work perfectly for the next account.
“850 people have signed up for TOMORROW’S FREE LIVE TRAINING. Where I will be showing you how I have grown THIS group to 47k+ and scaled past 6 figures. Last chance to snag your spot. Want in?”
- This one isn’t as bad but be skeptical. Understand that your strategy will need to be tweaked to accommodate your followers, brand, and response. Take all the free training in the world, but make sure to cut through the BS.
“I’m looking for 5 overwhelmed women that want to be successful THIS YEAR! Willing to do the work for the next 30 days *EX”
- Don’t get me started with *EX posts. This is someone selling MLM products. You used to be able to pick MLM’s straight out. Now, they’ve pivoted their marketing. The catch here is – they won’t tell you up-front what they do or sell. If you are a proud business owner you will shout it from the rooftops. You want that exposure every chance you can get. You want people to know your name, products, services, brand… all of it! Pay close attention to how much they tell you upfront.
“I’m looking for 5 ladies who want to healthily lose 10-20 lbs + tone up w/o giving up food you love in the next 8 week? EX”
- Two things we’ve already touched on but I see it consistently – 1. She is promising you a specific weight loss goal, with your current lifestyle, in a certain amount of time. I could go ON about how much I HATE people praying on others’ vulnerabilities but, that’s not what we are here for. 2. EX is a flag. They simply need you to engage, download, follow, or buy something to drive their engagement. STOP. They’re taking your money for false promises.
“I created 100 Instagram Templates for maximum exposure! Who wants them? *ex”
- This is probably a yellow-orange flag. Great to see the templates and maybe work some ideas off of them. But, always remember your audience and your brand. The exact plan that works for one will rarely be the exact plan that works for someone else.
“I just created a Google doc of the 72 manifesting mantras that helped me make $1M last year. *ex who wants a copy”
- I’m keeping this a red flag because the person implies this manifesting mantra will be your key to making $1M. I hope you and this person make your million, that’s amazing. But, don’t get lost in false promises. And watch for the EX they add.
I feel like this is a very negative post. I hate to start a Friday off this way, but someone I follow on Facebook does this weight loss MLM. She frequently posts about a $500 giveaway. If you comment your answer to this vague, personal question then you’re entered to win a $500. Here’s the realization someone brought to my attention, you never see who the winner is. I did minimal digging, because truly I don’t care too much, and realized within the last 3 there was never a winner announced. However, her engagement is still high. There are hundreds of comments per post. Welcome to MLMs. I will not be staying, it is time for me to go, but I hope you see the red flags.
Know the difference between a real small business, a marketing professional, an MLM, and a scam. Hopefully, next Friday will be a lighter topic.
all the love and espresso